We are grateful to the generous individuals, foundations, and granting organizations who are supporting our 30th Anniversary Season. We couldn't do this without you, thank you!
Listed here are the generous donors who make this experience possible through gifts or pledges made for our 2024-25 concert season. We try to keep this listing as up-to-date as possible, so if you are a donor and do not see your name on this list or see an error in your listing, please contact us.
We hope you will join us and add your name to the list of those who support classical chamber music in San Antonio!
Questions about your listing? Email us: olmosensemble@gmail.com
2024-25 Season Sponsors
Benefactor ($10,000 and above)
Jeri Oishi
Patron ($5000 - $9999)
Russell Hill Rogers Fund for the Arts
Steven Alan Bennett & Dr. Elaine Melotti Schmidt
Kenneth Fine and Rebecca Canary
Anne and Bruce Johnson
Dr. Susan Gershenhorn & Dr. James Lazarus
James & Agnes Lowe
Dr. James Griffin & Dr. Margo Denke
Dr. Sheila Swartzman
San Antonio Symphony League
Terra Nova Violins
Sustainer ($2500 - $4999)
Frost Bank
Texas Commission on the Arts
Jim & Frances Garner
Richard & Antonia Goldsmith
William & Marilyn Moll
Dr. Joseph & Toni Murgo
Didi & Alan Weinblatt
Contributor ($1000 - $2499)
Bud Eaton & Janifer Meldrum
Ruth Ann Edney
Mary Jane Ely
Dr. Jan Garverick
James Family Charitable Fund in honor of Mary Beth Williamson
Martin & Frederica Kushner
Barbara C. Kyse
William J. Lemoine Jr.
Phyllis Nguyen
Dr. Michael Ozer & Patricia Kalmans
Angela Pfeiffer
The Wiederhold Family in memory of Penny Wiederhold
Judy Yaeger
Donor ($500 - $999)
Curt & Lorraine Anastasio
Carroll & Jacqueline Forrest
Dr. Jeffrey L. Glass
Melody Hull
Phyllis & Steve Ingram​
Margaret Joseph
Ruth Madorsky
Bunny & Wilbur Matthews, Jr.
Shaun McChesney
David & Renee Meriwether
Margaret M. Rote
Georgina R. Schwartz
Nancy Shivers
Tom and Cindy Stephenson
Jere Jean Yeager
Supporter ($200 - $499)
Robert Michael Barnett & Lisa Roberts
Dr. John R. Braulick
Alan Cutler
Jerry & Josie Dickerson
Arlene Dryer
Peter & Sylvia Flamm
Freda Flax
Leroy & Anna Garza
Mary Horton
Robert Kadanka
​Suzanne J. Kasanoff
Ann & Henry Lipsitt
Hannah Margolis
Carlos D. Martens
Nickey McCasland
Marguerite McCormick
Wallace and Sandra Murdoch
Arturo Ordoqui
Dolores Perrine
Charlotte Randolph
Mark & Vera Robbins
Christie A. Smith
Reagan Tucker
Ann Van Pelt
Dr. Stacy J. Young in honor of Olive Tinniswood Roen
Friend (up to $199)
Alexis Ayala
Cindy Alleman
Helga Anderson
Charles R. Bender
Douglas Boyer
Lavelle Brown
Ruth Buckley in honor of Olive Tinniswood Roen
John P. Casey
Allen Choe
J.V. Correa
Carol Duganne
Walter & Carlota Dwyer
Susan Dye
Anne Ferris
Rachel Ferris
Sharon L. Hellman-Freiberg
Emily Freudigman
Pauline Glickman
Yolanda Margaret Hager
Ron & Esther Johanningsmeier
Kay Lorraine Johnson
Sarah Joe Lemessurier
Jennifer Manning
Laura Maynard
Taddy McAllister
Kathleen & David Meriwether
Julia Morrissey
Kimberlyn Montford
Elaine Nadeau
John D. Nikolatos
Lynne Noriskin
John Novacek
Jessica & Steven Ochoa
Matt Otis
Julie Post
Katherine & Charles Schmidt
Jo Scurlock-Dillard
Eric Siu
Fred Slimp
Chandra Tiwari
Ertan Torgul
David & Brenda Tinniswood in honor of Olive Tinniswood Roen
Melvina Medley Turner
Dr. Ana M. Valadez
Sylvia Wheeler
Neil Williams